We prioritize sourcing from regional partners whenever the season allows. Here’s a selection of our partners whose products contribute to the unique flavors of our offerings:
We source eggs from the Klausmann family farm in Obereschach in the Black Forest. In the spacious barn with conservatory, the hens have plenty of space in the fresh air for extensive sand bathing. They also produce their own feed so that transport distances are kept to a minimum.
The Klausmann family also supplies their eggs to the Nudelhaus in Trossingen. This inclusive business takes in and employs people with mental and social difficulties. We buy the biscuits that you enjoy with your afternoon coffee from them, as well as some pasta products. The products are made by hand with a strong focus on regionality.
Our delicious ice cream comes from HofEis in Schallstatt, where they produce ice cream without genetic engineering, artificial colors, or flavor enhancers. They use only milk from the Black Forest, underscoring their commitment to regional sourcing.
Freshwater fish, including trout and salmon varieties, are sourced from the Tress trout farm in Lauchringen.
Wherever possible, we source local game from hunters in the forests of the Black Forest.
We also acquire local game from Black Forest hunters and meat from the Fritz butcher’s shop in Eisenbach, known for processing only regional animals. Only animals from the region are processed here.
Our direct neighbor, the Kesslerhof, occasionally supplies us with veal. Guests can enjoy fresh pasture milk from their milk fountain.
Savour the culinary temptations that our well-coordinated kitchen team cooks for you every day and find out more about our culinary highlights of the year.
In addition to our close partnerships with regional suppliers, we have even more to discover when it comes to sustainability.
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